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Veröffentlichungen 1991-1995

Nematic and Smectic Surface Order in the Isotropic-Phase of Low Molar-Mass and Polymeric Liquid-Crystals
S. Immerschitt, H. Elben, H. Holthoff, G. Strobl. Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 98, 376-382 (1994)
Autophobic Behavior of Polymers at Interfaces
G. Reiter, P. Auroy, L. Auvray. Proceedings of the Moriond 95 Workshop, in: Moriond Condensed Matter Physics: “Short and Long Chains at Interfaces”, eds. J. Daillant, P. Guenoun, C. Marques, P. Muller, J. Trân Thanh Vân, p. 57-66
What Determines Static Friction and Controls the Transition to Sliding
G. Reiter, A. L. Demirel, J. Peanasky, L. Cai, S. Granick. Tribology Lett. 1, 1 (1995)
Temperature-Dependent Crystalline-Amorphous Structures in Isotactic Polypropylene - Small-Angle X-Ray-Scattering Analysis of Edge-Bounded 2-Phase Systems
T. Albrecht, G. Strobl. Macromolecules 28, 5267-5273 (1995)
Periodic Pattern Formation in Side-Group Polymer Nematic Solutions at the Twist Frederiks Transition
E. E. Pashkovsky, W. Stille and G. Strobl. J. Phys. II France 5, 397 (1995)
Temperature-Dependent Crystalline-Amorphous Structures in Linear Polyethylene - Surface Melting and the Thickness of the Amorphous Layers
T. Albrecht, G. Strobl. Macromolecules 28, 5827-5833 (1995)
The effect of molecular association and tube dilation on the rotational viscosity and rotational diffusion in nematic liquid crystals
A. Raviol, W. Stille, and G. Strobl. J. Chem. Phys. 103, 3788 (1995)
Nematic Wetting at the Free-Surface of 4-Cyano-4'-N-Alkyl-Biphenyls
H. Kasten, G. Strobl. Journal of Chemical Physics 103, 6768-6774 (1995)
The Dynamics of Freedericksz Transitions in Nematic Solutions of Mesogenic Polymers
E. E. Pashkovsky, T. G. Litvina, W. Stille, and G. Strobl. Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya Seriya A 37, 1272 (1995)
Self Diffusion of “Hairy Rod” Molecules in Langmuir-Blodgett-Kuhn Multilayers Probed with Neutron and X-ray Reflectometry
A. Schmidt, K. Mathauer, G. Reiter, M.D. Foster, M. Stamm, G. Wegner, W. Knoll. Langmuir 10, 3820 (1994)
Stick to Slip Transition and Adhesion of Lubricated Surfaces in Moving Contact
G. Reiter, A.L. Demirel, J. Peanasky, L. Cai, S. Granick. J. Chem. Phys. 101, 2606 (1994)
From Static to Kinetic Friction in Confined Liquid Films
G. Reiter, A.L. Demirel, S. Granick. Science 263, 1741 (1994)
Dewetting as a Probe of Polymer Mobility in Thin Films
G. Reiter. Macromolecules 27, 3046 (1994)
Chain Reorientation in Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) by Mobile Twin-Helix Reversal Defects
M. Kimmig, G. Strobl, B. Stühn. Macromolecules 27, 2481-2495 (1994)
Local Motion in the beta-Transition Range of Partially Crystalline Polyethylene Studied by Neutron-Scattering
B. Holzer, G. Strobl, B. Stühn, N.H. Andersen. Colloid and Polymer Science 272, 1396-1402 (1994)
Dynamics of Rotational Motion in Liquid Crystalline Systems
W. Stille, G. Strobl. in: R. Richert, A. Blumen (Eds.), Disorder Effects on Relaxational Processes, p. 725, Springer, Berlin (1994).
Molecular Weight Dependence of the Rotational Diffusion Constant and the Rotational Viscosity of Liquid Crystalline Side Group Polymers
S. Götz, W. Stille, G. Strobl, H. Scheuermann. Macromolecules 26, 1520 (1993)
Near-Critical Behavior of the Dynamic Stress-Optical Coefficient in Liquid Crystalline Elastomers
R. Sigel, W. Stille, G. Strobl and R. Lehnert. Macromolecules 26, 4226 (1993)
Adhesion Instabilities of Surfaces Undergoing Shear
G. Reiter, J.S. Peanasky, L. Cai, A.L. Demirel, S. Granick. ACS Polymer Preprint Fall 1993
Dynamics of Polymer Interdiffusion at Short Times
U. Steiner, G. Reiter. Proceedings of the Les Houches Conference 1991: Dynamical Phenomena at Interfaces, Surfaces and Membranes, D. Beysens, N. Boccara, G. Forgacs, eds., Nova Science Publishers, New York, p. 511-512 (1993)
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